Woodville hosting the New Zealand Kyokushin Karate Nationals on Easter Saturday was an honour for Shihan Bob Fryer, who marked his 40th year coaching the sport.
"The hall was packed, it blew me away, the number of people that turned up to watch the event or to support their own fighters," he said. "It was a surprise to have Tararua District mayor Tracey Collis attend for the day, which she did a powhiri for.
"Tararua members did well, Eric Millar had two fights, going out in the second fight - he's in a tougher group now. We scored the most seconds we've had at a nationals in a long time.

"Jazmin Dean, in her first tournament fight, got two seconds overall in the Juniors, one in the team kata and one in the fighting. All got medals and a trophy with the team deciding to donate the trophy to me.