Saturday's theft of the most expensive item in a Havelock North boutique will send a clear message to other retailers in the Village.
Shoplifting is alive and well.
Unfortunately our small businesses won't be unless something is done to stop the pathetic opportunists who live off the hard work of others.
Read more: Businesses worried by robbery
Two men entered the Napier Rd women's store and were immediately under the suspicion of Bonjour owner Rosemarie Stone.
Their purpose was to distract while a female accomplice made off with a $400 leather jacket from the footpath clothing rack.
Despite police and employees' best efforts, $1.3 billion is lost every year to retail crime in New Zealand.
Saturday's theft in Havelock North follows on from a liquor store robbery in May.
Fortunately, shoplifting is very rare at Ms Stone's store, but both she and the shop assistant are shaken.
The price of whatever is stolen is not the only cost.
Long after an item is taken and an investigation has been closed the uncertainty and unnecessary stress remains.
Luckily, business owners in the Village appear to have a plan.
Havelock North Business Association president Milton Naylor said the association has been working on a project to stop opportunist thieves.
An electronic footprint is in the pipeline that will have security information on it to help businesses work together.
It's pleasing to hear of a response that will combat lowlifes that have no respect for those earning an honest living and contributing to the fine shopping experience Havelock North has to offer.
Hopefully with the help of the police and general public the three individuals involved will be caught.
If they have an ounce of decency or self-worth they will take responsibly for their actions.
Sadly, there's little chance of that happening.