Freshly cooked and packaged in the New World Supermarket's bakery, over 280 packs of Easter buns made their way via Dannevirke Host Lions members and their families to senior citizens throughout Dannevirke on Wednesday, June 3.

The project has been running for over 16 years but this year was delayed by the Covid-19 crisis. Lions were frustrated they could not deliver over Easter but given the recipients were all over 80 years the option was just not on.
Checking with New World owner Bruce Jenkins, it was discovered a late bake and delivery would be possible and the process was set into action.
Ingredients were ordered, chief baker Gillian Holdem dusted off her special recipe, the buns were cooked and packaged, lists of elderly citizens were made up by Lions Community Welfare chairwoman Rosemary Moss and her team, a group of Lions assembled and the buns were delivered.