I can’t remember the last time we heard from Mr Peters. But say the word election and nek minute, he’s on telly astride a horse wearing what looks like a drench coat and a cowboy hat.
He’s been the deputy prime minister twice, the minister of foreign affairs and the treasurer of New Zealand.
He’s responsible for the Gold Card, which has garnered him a lot of favour with older voters.
So this election, while Prime Minister Chris Hipkins and the leader of the National Party Chris Luxton have been on every campaign trail in the country, sitting on tractors, patting sheep, eating sausage rolls, Winston just got on his horse and rode straight back into the election.
Maybe the two Chrisses can learn something from Peters.
Linda Hall is assistant editor at Hawke's Bay Today. Photo / Warren Buckland
Perhaps you don’t have to promise the world at every media standup. Where the money will come from for all these election promises is beyond me.
Perhaps all they have to do is sit back and wait until the public is so bamboozled by all the election talk then just take an ad out on telly.
This election is really turning into a doozy. Could Peters hold the power again as he did in 2017 when the Labour Party needed him to form a government?
Will Luxton work with him if the votes fall National’s way? He seems to have changed his mind about that. First no, now yes. Funny that.
If Peters does end up back in Parliament, will he disappear again?
I really have no idea which candidate or party are going to get my votes this election.
I have never been so undecided.
Our country has changed so much in the past three years. Covid, disastrous weather events, the cost of living, homelessness, struggling businesses, rising crime, the list goes on.
We need a party that’s capable of building our economy, helping struggling families and businesses and for me one of the most important things for the next government is to fix our broken health system.
There’s a lot to do, so politicians please, if you do make it to Parliament, concentrate on the important things. No time for bickering. There’s a huge job waiting for you.
Linda Hall is a Hastings-based assistant editor for Hawke’s Bay Today, and has 30 years of experience in newsrooms. She writes regularly on arts and entertainment, lifestyle and hospitality, and pens a column.