But this is the bit that gets me: for women, "the general rule is no bare arms".
However, for the men who are also being asked to go for a more relaxed look it means they can roll their sleeves up "where appropriate".
Why, oh why are men allowed to bare their arms but women aren't?
What the heck is wrong with bare arms?
The internal briefing sent to reporters and obtained by the Herald on Sunday also says "anything that distracts the viewer from what you are saying is a no-no".
TVNZ must think its viewers are a bunch of weak-minded, easily distracted dorks who watch the news only to see what the presenters are wearing.
Then instead of listening to them, we all sit there staring in a daze at the women's bare arms. Give us a break.
Then, to add insult to injury, they accompanied the document with images of skinny models.
They did apologise in advance for this by saying in the brief, "apologies in advance - the photos are all of ridiculously slim, beautiful people".
Then why use them in the first place if they knew they were going to upset people?
Most workplaces have some sort of dress code.
We have a dress code. It's not strict but I certainly wouldn't rock up to work in my shorts (wouldn't want to scare anyone).
I can't imagine working all day in long sleeves in the middle of summer.
I know the presenters - well, the women - only have to "cover their arms" while they are on screen but it still must be uncomfortably hot with studio lights, even with air-conditioning.
Jackets and long sleeves doesn't say relaxed to me. It's the middle of summer, for goodness sake.
You would be lucky to find a single person walking around Hawke's Bay with long sleeves on over the last couple of days.
Apparently the memo didn't go down too well with some of the staff - they are "up in arms".
Meanwhile in our own backyard, some little brat - or brats - have destroyed the pirate ship at the new Lions Playground at Windsor Park.
I've passed this playground a couple of times recently and it has been packed with children and parents.
Someone out there must know who is responsible for this. The playground is on an open, busy site on the corner of Willowpark and Sylvan Rds in Hastings.
I'm sure those responsible used the cover of darkness to hide their nasty deed.
But people that do this sort of thing like to boast about it as well.
So get your children, friends and family to keep their ears to the ground.
The community is not happy with them, judging by the comments on our Facebook page.
Whoever did this needs to be caught and dealt with.
-Linda Hall is assistant editor at Hawke's Bay Today.