Every political party is promising to make our lives better.
But even though Treasury’s Pre-Election Economic and Fiscal Update (Prefu) defied the gloomy expectations, I don’t think any of us are going to feel the slightest bit of financial relief for a long while yet.
It’s tough out there.Everywhere you turn, prices are increasing.
It’s depressing because there doesn’t seem to be a thing you can do about it, except go without.
Next week, Hawke’s Bay’s regional rates are due. Ours have gone up so much I nearly fell over when I saw the figures. Then the insurance was due as well. That went up even more than the rates and, of course, there’s the city or district council rates as well.
It really is overwhelming. That’s not to mention the cost of power, petrol, rent or mortgage.
How do you find that extra money?
Linda Hall is assistant editor at Hawke's Bay Today. Photo / Warren Buckland
That’s the million-dollar question. If only money trees were real. We once tricked the grandies into believing there was a lolly tree. Trouble is, they kept wanting to go there. It didn’t take them long to work it out. I’m afraid that’s what would happen if there were money trees. They would be stripped in minutes, and never have the chance to replenish.
Anyway, I digress. You can’t cut back on the rent, mortgage, or rates, so the only way you can save money, bar working all hours of the day and half the night (which I realise some people already do), is unfortunately cutting back on power, petrol and food.
It’s sad. Thank goodness winter is over - at least that will give people a little relief from the hideous power bills.
I know of people who simply have not been able to heat their homes this winter, and I’m sure there are people all over the country turning off the heater and going to bed early in order to save power. Or worse, sitting in the cold wrapped in a blanket.
Food. Well, I have turned into my mother. Mum would chase a bargain. Remember the coupon book from New World? Mum would use those to stock up.
I find myself doing the same. Not with coupons, but if something is on special, I’ll buy two. That doesn’t mean I have 50 packets of loo paper.
I have changed to cheaper brands with regard to lots of items and started shopping a bit at Reduced to Clear in Queen St, Hastings.
I’m obviously not the only one. I had been in there once or twice a few years ago and it was pretty quiet.
Not so now. The place is busy, and staff say it has been getting busier and busier as people shop around to try to save a few bucks.
So don’t just frequent the supermarket, especially if you have been going to the same one for years and years. You might just be surprised how much you can save by going to places like The Warehouse, Cracker Jacks and Uncle Bills.
If you are worried about the cost of petrol adding to the bill, carpool with your mates and go once a month.
There are also lots of social media groups that share recipe ideas for simple but tasty food and tips and tricks to save money when you go grocery shopping.
Linda Hall is a Hastings-based assistant editor for Hawke’s Bay Today, and has 30 years of experience in newsrooms. She writes regularly on arts and entertainment, lifestyle and hospitality, and pens a column.