I was tailgated several times, especially when I slowed right down to the 50km/h asked for at roadworks.
I was passed at high speed at roundabouts and I was cut off by a driver turning right in front of me as I was turning left (they obviously didn’t know that road rule was changed a long time ago).
But the worst was when I was waiting to turn right at the lights. I made the decision that I had plenty of time as the approaching car was a long way off.
I kept my eye on it anyway and suddenly it was barreling toward me. The driver sped up. Why would anyone do that?
Linda Hall is assistant editor at Hawke's Bay Today. Photo / Warren Buckland.
Our roads are so busy – so many cars on the road all the time. Courtesy and caution are easy to come by. Crashes, injury and the worst outcome, death, can change lives forever.
Apart from those driving moments, I had a great time with the girls. Exhausting, but lots of fun.
One of my granddaughters was in the Taradale Intermediate production Newsies Jr. I went along on Friday night. It was incredible. The cast had been rehearsing for weeks and they nailed it.
What a bunch of talented people. Some of the lead roles had solos songs and a lot of lines to remember.
Credit must also go to the teachers involved. Well done.
I have no doubt I will be sitting in the Taradale Intermediate school hall again at the next biannual production to watch my other granddaughter.
It was a busy weekend dropping the girls off and picking them up from school and meeting friends.
We walked the dog every day, taking her to a nearby park and then on Sunday to Park Island Dog Park. It was my first visit and I really enjoyed it. Lovely walking paths, great views and every dog owner we met was friendly and considerate.
Then it was back to their house and the youngest wanted to make pizza rolls – no problem. “Shall I help?” Nope, she had a friend there and they were determined to do it by themselves.
The recipe called for Vegemite but Miss Independent had already decided to use pizza sauce we had bought the day before. I think she used about $10 worth of cheese. It was in the pastry and part of the filling. Finally, they were ready to go in the oven.
They were perfect and so delicious. This aspiring cook also cooked me breakfast on Sunday.
She buttered a piece of bread, used a glass to take the middle of the bread out, fried the bread in butter then dropped an egg into the empty centre. The circle of bread was also fried and we had spaghetti on the side. No help required, thanks Nan. It was very nice.
Precious times with precious people doing simple things – they make the best times.
Linda Hall is a Hastings-based assistant editor for Hawke’s Bay Today, and has 30 years of experience in newsrooms. She writes regularly on arts and entertainment, lifestyle and hospitality, and pens a column.