Broken promise leaves sour taste
I was disgusted to read in HBT September 23 that Rugby NZ had dishonoured its promise of a free match ticket to the members of the volunteer choirs.
Demand for tickets is irrelevant; the commercial value of the tickets is irrelevant; a promise is a promise and Rugby NZ's action leaves a very sour taste in the mouth. I am not surprised that one singer has quit in protest.
Then, on the next page, I read of the wonderful generosity of Malcolm and Beverley Reid, who gave up their own rugby ticket to extend hospitality to a stranded Welsh tourist. Those good people showed kindness and compassion, not counting or begrudging the cost to themselves.
Rugby NZ would do well to take a leaf out of the Reids' book and do the right thing.
Judith Drabble, Havelock North