Of course if you don't have enough money to feed your children and you have to send them to school hungry, you are not going to have enough money to pay to dump your rubbish.
It's not rocket science is it.
Our rates go up every year but what for? Tarting up the town for the rugby, and to pay for the council to pick up all the rubbish on the streets?
Barbara Cantwell, Hastings
Peace rests in Jesus
Teaching Christianity in schools as proposed by Jo Ward (HB Today August 31) while a seemingly a noble project would not solve the present world's problems.
The reasons are twofold. It is faith in Jesus Christ as messianic king that has now replaced the law covenant, and he made it clear that "Seeking first the kingdom" is the formulae for gaining God's approval.
The second reason is found in 1 John 5:19, where it states that "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one."
This meaning that it is Satan the Devil who controls all the world of mankind, and as a consequence explains the frightening behaviour of Earth's inhabitants which is to be brought to an end very shortly - by means of the Kingdom.
It is by this means that peace really will be established on Earth, not due to man's feeble efforts, but by the King of God's kingdom, Jesus Christ himself.
Barry Eykel, Napier
Pressing issues
I write regards the letter by Napier Grey Power president (HB Today, 31 August) headlined "Government loses bottle over booze."
Where in it, Grey Power claims the "price" of alcohol is the single most important issue in reducing binge drinking, same as it was in the Government hiking up the price of tobacco?
Well, I for one, believe there are far more pressing issues affecting Grey Power members, the likes of the everyday increasing cost of living rather than lobbying the Government to hike up the price of alcohol.
For example, why not make submissions to HB Area Health Board, to provide better "public" health services in Napier?
Along with the Napier City Council to reduce its spending, central government for a reduction in electricity/power charges, council rates for senior citizens and far more assessable public transport.
I also happen to firmly believe it's not a fair go that the "responsible" social drinker, many of whom would be Grey Power members, some already struggling to make ends meet, who enjoy to partake in their favourite tipple during their well-deserved retirement, should be the ones "made" to pay more, simply because of the stupid bad behaviour of the minority - the "irresponsible idiots"!
Get real - for no matter how much the cost - we will always have them.
David Bosley, Bluff Hill