Yes, it is certainly time to do a study on how we can improve Hawke's Bay and make it a more integrated total community.
Sue Penman
Why bother?
I was approached by your correspondent Germaine Meeuws (HB Today September 6) to present her submission to the Napier City Council 10-year plan, when she realised that she would be working overseas on the two days the council set down to hear submissions.
It appeared to her that a personal appearance at these hearings was a more effective way of getting her point across, so contacted the council to see if she could have a representative present her submission for her. This was allowed she was informed and I am pretty sure that I have attended such meetings when this has been done.
Germaine then spent many hours preparing her submission and providing me with audio and visual material to emphasise the points she wished to make. As a first-time submitter at this process, she was anxious to make her points clearly.
I was surprised when contacted by the council a few days before the hearings, that I would not be able to represent Germaine. I think it is also unfair the NCC response to her letter in this paper saying that she elected not to be present at the hearing.
The submission process is one of the main ways that the public can have their say on things that affect our city and we must encourage more people to do so.
It may be advantageous for the Napier City Council to inform the public at the time exactly what the process entails, what is and isn't allowed, and so avoid the situation that has arisen in this case and left a community-minded person feeling that she shouldn't have bothered.
Sue Macdonald
Keep our uniqueness
I am a person passionate about our region and I care about our future.
To those who make the same claim I am utterly opposed to the amalgamation of Napier/Hastings.
You say it will galvanise growth and industry, creating job opportunities in the region.
How can you make definitive statements when there is no evidence in any past feasibility study that supports your claims. At best you can only "hope" the statements are true; nor have you explained how you would achieve these goals by simply merging one city into the other. You offer no plan for achieving the above. You have not submitted for public scrutiny the guidelines you would use for yet another study.
It appears that previous studies have been ignored, or not been read, or understood.
Will Hastings (with more councillors based on population) care about developing Napier's Marine Parade? I don't think so ... too busy with failed Nelson Park and the underperforming Splash Planet.
Have you considered the possibility that amalgamation may destroy what is excellent in both Napier/Hastings? We are unique in New Zealand and our point of difference is a valid marketing tool used to good effect by both cities.
As I understand it the councils all work together where it affects the wider region. Surely this is the better option. It's working, why "fix it"?
Why are we talking about amalgamation anyway? It's a non-issue for most of us. Forgive me for being suspicious, but it all seems smoke and mirrors as election day looms.
Megan Hansen