Hawke's Bay Regional Council staff believe a low water nitrogen limit set for the Tukituki catchment by a board of inquiry is "not based on robust science" but should not be challenged through the courts because an appeal against the board's decision is unlikely to succeed.
The board of inquiry imposed the dissolved inorganic nitrogen limit as part of an environmental management plan - known as Plan Change 6 - in a decision released late last month. The board also approved consents for the council to build the Ruataniwha dam and water storage scheme.
The impact of the plan change decision - in terms of both the implications for land use in the catchment and the viability of the irrigation scheme - will be discussed at a meeting of the council's corporate and strategic committee tomorrow.
In a report prepared for the meeting, the council's group manager of strategic development, Helen Codlin, recommends against taking legal action over the board's decision. "Staff remain of the view that the DIN (dissolved organic nitrogen) limit of 0.8mg/L is not based on robust science applicable in the Tukituki catchment," she says.
"Preliminary legal advice is that an appeal on the DIN limit would be unlikely to succeed (appeals are limited to points of law) and given the availability of a workable route for existing farms going forward, staff do not recommend an appeal on this point."