“Coming to the wānanga has helped me to learn basic greetings and to introduce myself to people with more confidence,” Gail Appleton (tauira/student), said.
“I’ve enjoyed getting to know new people and finding new things that I have in common with others – our reo being the universal language,” Vana Hauraki said.
“I really love the way that our kaiako have helped us to stay enthused and motivated. I’m keen to keep going and take my learning to a whole new level,” Cheryl Paul said.
“I’ve started level 1 reo class many times and never finished. I feel that this course had the right formula for me to keep going, and now I’ve been able to extend my whaikōreo,” Traci Tuimaseve said.
“Learning to speak te reo Māori has helped me to understand the students at school and strengthen my appreciation for my language,” Luana Solomon said.
“One of the best parts of this journey has been all of the people that I’ve met along the way,” Nikol Stirland said.
“I’m really grateful for our kaiako. I love that we start the class with tai chi-style exercises that help us relax and get us focused on our learning. I’ve even tried this with a work conference which was very successful,” Hemi Wong said.
“I will never forget the feeling I had at our marae noho, being able to karanga with my friends. This learning journey means a lot to me, it’s about my whānau, my past and my future,” Simrah Kiddy Arif said.
“I’ve really enjoyed this year, but this is just the beginning. We need to keep on our journey. I owe it to my tipuna to carry on learning my language,” Phillipa Kingi said.
“It makes a difference having a great kaiako and kaiawhina to help you on your journey of learning. Matina Clarke and Krystle Chadwick have helped us to want to learn and continue on our journey. It takes one step at a time, lots of encouragement and a desire to want to learn,” Leilani Wong said.
Te Ara Reo Māori has become a part of the educational landscape of Aotearoa. Past graduates have been newsreaders, public figures, teachers, school principals and business people - many of whom have advanced to higher levels of study in te reo Māori. The He Pī Ka Pao 2023 class has teachers, event managers, prison guards, early childhood workers, builders, farmers, ministers, and people of all nationalities interested in learning te reo Māori for one reason or another.
Students who have passed this programme will receive a Te Pōkaitahi Reo (Reo Rua) Kaupae 1 - New Zealand Certificate in Te Reo (Reo Rua) Level 1 and Te Pōkaitahi Reo (Reo Rua) Kaupae 2 - New Zealand Certificate in Te Reo (Reo Rua) Level 2.
Te Wānanga o Aotearoa is one of New Zealand’s largest tertiary education providers. It offers a comprehensive range of certificate to degree level qualifications to New Zealanders of all ages and walks of life. Operating from more than 80 locations throughout the country. They provide a unique learning environment that has been home for many students who now look to graduate and aspire to the next step in their te reo Māori journey.
For more information about Te Wānanga o Aotearoa phone 0800 355 553.