After winning the Prime Minister's Award for excellence in leadership, the Central Regional Health School will receive $20,000 and professional development opportunities.
Since 2000, the school has grown from seven teachers to 50 and now has 220 students enrolled throughout the country.
Two of their staff, Lee Ferguson and Michelle Deed, are based at the Hawke's Bay Hospital. They teach students from Mahia to Takapau who are unable to attend school because of illness.
It is an education full of variables - students' can be aged from 8 to 21-years-old, across all schooling levels, and can be under the women's tutelage from three days to five years, in Ms Ferguson's longest case. The pair's aim was to "successfully transition students back into school, at the best of our ability".
"That, and their academic achievement, while we're one on one", Ms Deed said.