Like most people, I think, I have found the past two or three years quite tough and I was hugely relieved when Covid mandates were finally lifted and we could all see each other’s faces again.
I think the last few years have taught us all that we need to look after ourselves mentally, emotionally and physically and, to that end, I took a longer than usual break earlier in the year and spent time walking, reading, catching up with friends and family and giving myself space to recharge my batteries.
Despite all the challenges, and due to the amazing team at MTG Hawke’s Bay, we still managed to achieve quite a lot during 2022.
Around mid-year we said a sad farewell to the hugely popular A Bloody Business: The history of five Hawke’s Bay freezing works and replaced it with another hit exhibition – Silver Shadows: The story of Marineland. This show has brought out many a story from our visitors of their memories of Marineland and even brought a few people to tears – it’s clear that, like the freezing works, Marineland has left its mark on the community.
We’ve had a number of art shows over the year including; Nature/Culture which examined our relationship with nature, Te ahua,te wa, te atea by Russ Flat which reimagined, using digital tools, what the landscape looked like before colonisation occurred, and artist Atareta Black was inspired by the MTG collection, exploring traditional weaving techniques and using these to create contemporary artworks in Ki Uta, Ki Tai.