Standing up for what you believe in and pursuing your own wants and dreams is not only imperative for a happy life but you can create the new normal.
THERE is no one on this planet exactly like you. No one. Never has been, never will be. I guess you can say you are kind of special, one of a kind. That's pretty neat!
So why do we try to fit in? Do what others think we should do? Wear what others wear? Say the right things? Act in a certain way?
Because we are afraid. Afraid of scrutiny. Afraid of being an outcast. Afraid of being alone. I get it. Fair enough. But let me let you in on a little secret ... no one really cares about you that much. Harsh. But true. At the end of the day everyone is more concerned about themselves - how they come across, how they fit in and what others think of them than what they think of you. So why waste time vying for the approval of others when they really don't care anyway? It's just not worth it!
On the contrary, being yourself, standing up for what you believe in and pursuing your own wants and dreams is not only imperative for a happy life but you can also create a new 'normal' and soon others will want to be just like you. Originality and uniqueness are very special and you will stand out and be remembered.
As I write this I am flying Virgin America from Seattle to LA. The Virgin airline is definitely unique. Virgin has the latest Virgin Records' music playing loudly in the background at check-in (where the other airlines have nothing), the boarding passes are square, not rectangular, and the inside of the plane is dark with purple and red lights lighting up the cabin. You feel like you are at a dance party rather than boarding a plane. And guess what - I like it. I notice. It is memorable. It is unique. It is quirky and it stands out. I fly a lot and I would put all the other airlines in the same boring old category where they all merge into one and I can't remember anything special about them. But not Virgin, it is different and it stands out. The result - some people love it and some do not. But it stands for something - fun, hip, quirky and attracts people who like fun, hip and quirky.
So do not be afraid to be who YOU are. You will never satisfy or be liked by everyone. We are all too different for that to ever be the case. You can also never satisfy everyone. And you should never try to. So the easiest thing to do is to BE yourself. Be the biggest, most fabulous version of who you really are and attract only those who love the real you into your life. Forget the rest. Do what makes you happy and live an authentic joyful life.
While the internet has some terrible pitfalls for online bullying and making people feel inadequate it is also a fabulous tool for sharing your ideas, thoughts and passions through YouTube, Instagram and blogs. You no longer have to feel alienated if you do not share the same interests and views as those immediately surrounding you because you can network and join or create wonderful interest groups and follow people from around the world who share the same passions you do.
I encourage every young person to look past their current surroundings and day-to-day reality and look for others with similar interests online. Make contact with people who you admire, reach out and ask for advice on how they got to where they are. Take heed, take notes, create your own blog or channel and share your passion with the world. From hairstyles, to cooking, voice-over artists to dancers, get online and research the things you enjoy, make connections with others in this arena and really enjoy your passions.
You are a marvellous, incredible human being put on this planet for a purpose. That purpose is to do what you love and share it with the world. Be inspired. Be unique and be different. Stand for excellence. Be the best you can be. And always - Be Real. Be True. Be You. There is no one else out there like you, so please make sure the world gets to see how great you really are. Show us just how fabulous you are. Dare to be different and reap the rewards.
#Kim Davey is an international speaker, author and entrepreneur who lives between Hawke's Bay and LA and runs and
Kim Davey: Dare to be yourself
Kim Davey
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