Your article about the pressure on the hospital's Emergency Department (HBT "Hospital nears record ED presentations", December 29) was alarming as it once again raised the issue of alcohol related "emergencies".
Of course the staff will not make a big issue of it but I am increasingly concerned about the impact alcohol and drugs are having on New Zealand society.
Our police, fire and ambulance services are having to deal with the consequences of alcohol in emergency events far too frequently. We have been told of the trauma this causes to them in their work and it's not something we should tolerate.
Health professionals get bogged down in their work by people presenting with conditions caused directly or indirectly by alcohol - "If there are alcohol-related incidents, often they come in their numbers and that has a huge impact on trying to triage." (HBT December 28).
One effect is that other people have their important health treatment delayed, but of equal significance is the impact on staff dealing with these alcohol-fuelled nincompoops. We hear reports of physical and verbal abuse of our doctors and nurses and again this should not be tolerated.