Ngā mihi nui me te aroha nui, congratulations on your expanding family!
We were so excited to hear your news and plans for the future. Welcoming a baby into your lives is such an exciting and change-filled time. As a working mum, you will also be thinking about how your mum life and your work life will meet and who you will bring in to your village to help you raise your most precious taonga.
Because of this, and your role as Prime Minister, your journey as a working mum will no doubt break down those walls around working and being a mum. Here at PORSE, we know from first-hand experience that with the right understanding about how the brain wires and fires in the early years, and community support (given it takes a village to raise a child) both important roles can be achieved.
It is great news that Clarke is planning to be the stay-at-home-dad when you return to work. This is a position that many of our dads find themselves in and it is great in today's age that we can let go of gender stereotypes and realise that what's best for each baby is simply to be in a loving and connected relationship.
We know now from neuroscience findings that the first 1000 days lays the foundation for a child's life and, from one working mum to another, I encourage you to have as much time as you can with your baby in the early days.