When Cyclone Gabrielle struck Hawke’s Bay and Tararua devastating major parts of Hastings and Napier, Kai Manaaki (Dannevirke) was born.
Haley Butcher and friends with connections at a Napier marae perceived the urgent need for food and support, and offered to help with food cooked at Makirikiri Marae.
Supported by goodwill from farmers, businesses and a core group of 10 Tararua residents, a vehicle carrying food was travelling once a week to be distributed by the marae.
During the next 43 weeks, 200 meals a week were cooked in Dannevirke and delivered once a week until the need waned.
This year Haley and friends were inspired to do it all again — not to feed those in Hawke’s Bay, but to feed residents doing it hard in the present economic climate, particularly the elderly who had lost their Meals on Wheels service.