At the same time as this work was presented, HDC commissioned a GNS report as to the state of their current water quality in the Hastings and Havelock North area.
Of significance in the findings from the report, that not only relate to Brookvale No 1 but also identify Omahu Rd and Wilson Rd bores, is that these wells fall below the drinking water standards of NZ by the Ministry of Health
The Wilson Rd bore is situated over a non-confined aquifer, which is affected by surface water or flow paths which do not have a confined level of protection.
A group of Irongate property owners met with mayor Lawrence Yule since the report was tabled, and at this stage despite assurances that staff would make contact, nothing has happened. I expect that Christmas and the good weather has interfered with any planning or further consultation.
To read in Hawke's Bay Today last weekend that the council is in the process of providing UV sterilisation into the water supplies that are proven to be seriously compromised is a band aid solution to a wider issue.
The reticulated system proposed by the Irongate stakeholders was at a similar cost to the water reticulation from Wilson Rd, however the water source in Irongate is secure and has the ability to provide resilience to the existing network, while also providing a higher level of service for firefighting and a more resilient approach to the wider reticulated water network in Hastings and Flaxmere.
While it is acknowledged that the commissioners are reviewing the information relating to the Irongate Industrial Zone, there is nothing to stop council evaluating the proposal at the same time, particularly since the consultancy services have been paid by the Irongate landowners and stakeholders, clearly showed a benefit to the wider community.
It appears the council continues to operate in its own world of bureaucracy and a tunnel vision approach to any alternative solutions.
If the current level of service that is provided by the Hastings District Council is transferred to the proposed new industrial zone, then the level of service is not acceptable. Hence the reason for being proactive in our submissions.
If any person would like to view the full submission of the water proposal for Irongate and the subsequent response to the HDC GNS report then please look up the website
- John Roil is a former Hastings District councillor and representative of Irongate stakeholders.