Indeed, he could not restrain himself by saying, "It [amalgamation of the five councils] could all end up a disaster - Queensland is a perfect example for us."
Under the previous Labor Administration in Queensland, the forced amalgamation of all shires (councils) was instigated in 2007.
There was no consultation, no submissions and no vote.
Here, in Hawke's Bay, we have had the opportunity for both consultation and submissions with a vote on the final proposal to be undertaken later this year.
Despite the autocratic actions of the state Labor Party, fully 98 per cent of Queenslanders elected to retain the amalgamated councils after seven years with only 2 per cent voting to de-amalgamate.
Mr Dalton has the effrontery to declare this a total disaster.
Unfortunately for him and his ongoing negative campaign regarding Australia is the fact that four mayors in NSW are so enthusiastic with the success of the Queensland amalgamations they have unanimously agreed that their state's councils should also merge, with some already pursuing amalgamation talks with their neighbours.
Unlike Mr Dalton they are more concerned for the future and the savings for their ratepayers than their own personal interests in retaining the mayoral chains.
Compounding his false comments on all things Australian he wasted $43,000 of ratepayers' money on the dud Dollery report published last year.
This was written up by an Australian who never visited Hawke's Bay nor spoke to our elected leaders.
It was so full of self-serving opinions and fact free that the other councils in our region disowned it and refused requests from the NCC to assist in paying the costs incurred.
On the subject of savings for our ratepayers, the Napier mayor could not help himself but kick yet another own goal.
He stated, as a fact, that anyone supporting amalgamation had not done their homework regarding the financial benefits that would result from the merging of our five councils.
On this single issue there had been three independent studies undertaken. All three were in his possession.
The first was from Graham Nahkies, the second was the Winder report (which the NCC supported) and the final report was from the Local Government Commission.
Here, it is important to note that the savings detailed in the Winder report were agreed to by consensus among the five councils.
All three came to the same conclusion.
Savings of $10 million per annum will accrue once amalgamation is complete.
The $10 million savings could be utilised for new or improved services or returned to the ratepayer.
Even a first-year primary school student understands that a stagnant region of 150,000 does not require five CEOs on an average package of $300,000 to instruct staff - savings here alone would exceed $1 million per annum - five finance departments, computer systems, etc.
The unrelenting and failed Machiavellian quest to further divide our region by Mr Dalton should be seen for what it is - nothing more than a return to pathetic, petty, parochial, parish-pump politics to retain the baubles of office at the expense of all the region's ratepayers.
Readers should not hold their breath in waiting for his council colleagues to call Mr Dalton to account for his continuing and divisive campaign.
As noted two month ago in the paper, Dr Catherine Strong from Massey University stated that NCC's code of conduct stifles free speech.
The ties that bind our region are greater than the differences that separate them.
Hawke's Bay is competing with the rest of New Zealand and our country is competing with the rest of the world.
We do not need Bill Dalton to continually proffer fact-free opinions from a position of power - the only purpose being to retain the failed status quo and to retain the mayoral chains with the many benefits that they include.
An increasing majority of our ratepayers are determined to ensure a united council for our region with one voice and one regional plan to ensure the future of our children and grandchildren.
-John Harrison is a former Napier City councillor and a founding member of pro-amalgamation group A Better Hawke's Bay.
-Business and civic leaders, organisers, experts in their field and interest groups can contribute opinions. The views expressed here are the writer's personal opinion, and not the newspaper's. Email: