– Collect the evidence including quotes, invoices etc, make notes on what happened, and keep a paper trail until the issue is resolved. Don't rely on your memory.
– Keeping calm and polite will usually get you further than letting your emotions take
over. Practice what you are going to say. Maybe take a friend along for support.
– Go first to the person you originally dealt with and if they are unable to help, ask to see the manager.
– If they are still refusing to see things your way, ask if them to put it in writing with their reasons and indicate that you intend taking the matter further.
Writing an effective letter of complaint:
- Head your letter Formal Complaint, so they know you are serious.
- Be polite, clear and concise. One page only, if at all possible.
- State clearly what you believe should happen and nominate a reasonable date by when.
- Attach copies of all relevant invoices etc. Be sure to retain the originals.
Where to escalate your complaint:
This where Citizens Advice can be really helpful! There are a very wide variety of issues that people want to complain about and very likely there will be a specialist agency that exists to hear and try and resolve disputes about your particular type of problem.
Ask us at Citizens Advice and we'll give you an option or two.
For more information, contact us at the Napier Citizens Advice Bureau when we're open 9am until noon Monday–Wednesday, 9-4pm on Thursdays and Fridays and 9.30 to 10.30 am on Saturdays. From August our opening hours will be 9-4pm Monday–Friday.
We're at 126 Hastings St, (above the BNZ, Napier). No appointment necessary. Or phone us on 06 8359664 or email anytime to napier@cab.org.nz.
We are here to help and confidentiality is assured.