We have all seen the devastation a natural disaster such as an earthquake or tsunami can cause and we've seen the incredible community spirit that often kicks into gear in such an event.
What we know is that communities that are prepared and connected cope so much better than those that don't. This week is Civil Defence Emergency Management's Get Ready Week, which is held each year to mark the International Day of Natural Disaster Reduction on October 13. The theme this year "Stay Safe, Stay Informed".
Read more: Residents riled by early emergency alerts
We are encouraging you to use the week as a catalyst to find out how to stay informed during an emergency. As we saw in Christchurch and Kaikoura, emergencies can happen at any time and without warning, so it is vital you are aware of how to stay informed.
One of the most exciting things to be happening to keep people informed is a nationwide emergency mobile alert system, which should be available very soon. This will be a new way for you to receive information about emergencies in your area. If your life, health or property is in danger, emergency text alerts can be sent to your mobile, without the need for you to sign up or download an app. Emergency Mobile Alerts are expected to be up and running by the end of the year.