As far as I'm aware there's always been a tension between how much the government should do versus how much we as individuals, parents, families and communities should do and take responsibility for.
This age-old dilemma was highlighted again recently by way of a petition delivered to Parliament demanding action be taken in regards to the "Roast Busters" - a group of young men accused of committing sexual impropriety with intoxicated and underage girls, then posting bragging footage to Facebook and naming and shaming and causing much distress and harm to the girls involved.
This is a case of sexual misconduct - but it's also a case of cyber-bullying.
The internet's only a relatively new phenomenon in relation to the history of the world. We're still grappling with its use and possibilities. I'm an advocate of the power and knowledge available from the positive use of such a tool or resource, however I do realise the internet can be a blessing or a curse, depending on how you use it.
Unfortunately some choose to use it in ways that are destructive to others.