I must admit, I get committeed out sometimes. I probably sit on about a dozen different local and national committees or boards. Subject matters range from the more technical finance and operations committees through to creative arts, youth leadership and then there's the event and recreation arena.
All in all, I really enjoy these spaces, however every now and then I do begin to wonder. Some committees are worth traversing across the country for, while others are barely worth getting out of bed for. Some produce spectacular results, others dismal. So what's the difference?
The main difference I've come to sense and recognise between those that aren't and those that are destined to achieve greatness in this world is the level of spirit, passion and union of a group. With the right spirit and the right people I believe a committed group can tackle anything. The same goes for individuals.
The right attitude instilled and developed within a person can see them soar strong like eagles in life, rather than scratch around in the dirt like feeble chickens. Attitude does determine altitude.
The intriguing thing I find in this world is that we each have the power to affect the spirit, and therefore the results in life of another, by the spirit or energy we release towards them. This can be in a good or bad way. Too often I hear the condemnation of what some deem as the undesirables of our society. The jobless, the homeless and the gang affiliated are perpetually judged and criticised.