I'm back. Thank you to all who supported my election as a member of the Hawke's Bay District Health Board.
I look forward to contributing to the health arena in addition to continuing as a councillor for the Hastings District Council. I stood for election as a member of the health board for much the same reason as standing for election to the council in 2010. This stemmed from a resolve to contribute meaningfully back to my community and others with any skill, knowledge or value I may have to offer and after being inspired by a trip to Indonesia.
On a mini OE after my university studies I had the opportunity to travel to Indonesia doing humanitarian relief work. There I witnessed poverty, destitution and despair second to none. I saw a group of frail elderly men working in the heat, each contracted as manual lawn mowers, kneeling down and cutting the grass in paddocks with a pair of hand scissors.
I saw another group where one was given a crowbar to break up concrete roads and the rest squatted to dig out the dirt, kitchen spoon by kitchen spoon full. These were the lucky ones with jobs. The rest begged, schemed or did whatever they could to get their hands on the means of life or a few bucks to sustain them or find their next meal.
Despite the lack, what I witnessed in the multitudes though was a resilient, resourceful and diligent attitude that made the most of every opportunity. No stone was left unturned, no territory unventured and every opportunity explored. If something wasn't working they found a way to fix it or make it happen.