The Internet Party has confirmed it has no plans to field candidates in any Hawke's Bay electorate in this year's General Election.
Press secretary John Mitchell said that being a small, new party, Internet had settled on 15 candidates "where they are best able to stand".
The nearest electorates to Hawke's Bay being contested by the party in the election to be decided on September 20, are Palmerston North and East Coast.
He said East Coast candidate Patrick Salmon would "take some ownership" for the party's interest in the Hawke's Bay electorates of Napier and Tukituki where, as throughout the country, there will be an Internet-Mana option in the party vote.
With nominations not officially open until August 21, candidates named to contest the election in the two electorates, the Wairarapa electorate and in Maori seat Ikaroa Rawhiti yesterday remained confined mainly to the major parties.