The team consists of Jackson Fellows, Marcus Fellows, Erin Wolland, Barry Wilson, Daniel Jaques, Dale Nichols, David Jackson, Robert Jaques and Kevin Laskey.
"I didn't expect anything. It was a bunch of people going to have a coffee and going for a ride. That's what the team is about. We're all competitive by nature, so we try and ride as a team, but have some fun.
"We did better than expected, some team members helped and blocked the wind to save energy for the others to have more energy at the end of the race.
"It was the first race of the series, held on Sunday, September 12 at Alfredton - which makes it good for us locals. We ride down to Eketahuna for a coffee and banter, then roll on out to Alfredton.
"Jackson Fellows (15 years old) made a run for it with 3km to go on the last climb. He managed to hold off the bunch and got over the line first. David Jackson (principal of Pahiatua School) decided to go with 800 metres to the finishing line and a long sprint, to take second place.
"Marcus Fellows (Jackson's dad) was in the bunch, he sprinted away and captured third place, a 1-2-3 for the team," said Laskey.
Race director Jorge Sandoval said it was very impressive riding from Jackson Fellows, rarely seen from such a young rider.
"I have seen so many races and riders coming to our events and occasionally you see someone like Jackson who really impresses everyone," said Sandoval.