Located under Lockdown in the Czech Republic, Woodville's Artist in Residence Martina Havlova compiled a comprehensive report of her adventure down under. The following are extracts from her letter sent to her hosts Joan and Kevin McIntyre.
"Going to Woodville from the airport already felt like a tour ride. On our way from the airport, Kevin and Joan had taken me to one end of the Manawatu Gorge and I think that was such a great thing to do. Seeing one of the most beautiful parts of the river on day one was a very exciting spark to a project that still existed only in my head. It made me looking forward to start working on the river theme."

"My memories from the first day are still very vivid. Seeing a completely new place on the Earth, driving in the sunset into the Ferry reserve, visiting bush and admiring lush New Zealand flora. I had a very warm welcome from everyone and had an opportunity to meet the local community just a couple of days after I arrived.
"My time in New Zealand was packed with experiences of all kinds from the first to the very last day. Only after a short time in Woodville, I felt so lucky I had experienced a lot. Being a part of the community and spending almost three months in New Zealand, I felt like experiencing the real taste of New Zealand life."