The first involved the live animal being judged by a livestock buyer, the second involved the carcass and third the taste.
"The carcass will be judged in the processing plant on its weight range and grade, fat colour, meat colour and size of rib eye and the top 10 based on the first two sections will then go through to the third stage."
Mr File said cube rolls from the top 10 would then be vacuum packed, chilled and aged until the Friday of the show.
Two steaks from each cow will be presented to a judging panel made up of a representative from the consumer end, the industry and hospitality.
"We wanted to get a cross section of knowledge and consumer preference."
The judges will look at taste, tenderness, texture and mouth feel.
The public can watch the steak being cooked by Auckland restaurant Baduzzi head chef Glen File and will get the opportunity to taste the steaks.
Mr Linn said the show association wanted the competition to be an interactive and inclusive event.
"It enables us to tell a story from the animal around the parade ring to the industry to what the consumer sees on the plate."
Mr Linn said the show had wanted to do something like this for a while and was now able to due to the support of Affco.
"We are very thankful for their support and sponsorship and we hope it becomes an annual event."
He also felt some bragging rights could be developed as people vied to be the best beef producers.
Entries have opened and will close on September 11 with processing to start around September 18 and 19.
There will be no entry fee and the winner will get $500, second $300 and third $200.
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