It’s an event that is seen to bring families together.
Take a Kid Hunting is a competition run by Norsewood and Districts School where dads and children can go out hunting, sharing experiences and celebrating successes.
It’s also a fundraiser for the school and a bonus of ridding pests from the environment through the EnviroSchools programme run by Horizons Regional Council.
Norsewood School is a participant in the EnviroSchools programme.
Kyraa and Zane Renata with the turkeys dad Rameeze captured.
The event was a huge success, with the prizegiving at the end of the weekend topping a busy time for the school, which had also blessed its new waharoa, as well as participating in a visit to Te Miro Farm.
Principal Angela McQuarrie says there were 70 entries, lower than the number that participated in the event in 2021, but she says she wanted to make the event smaller in scale to focus on local participants.
Then it was the prizegiving - more than 70 children awaited their rewards.
Archie was delighted with his slug gun prize.
A wide variety of quarry was presented, with ute-loads of carcasses brought in from as far the coast to the ranges.
Nine red deer, eight fallow deer, one pig and four goats were among the entries, along with plenty of opossums, turkeys, ducks, hares, rabbits and magpies.