In the wake of the biggest NRM Horse of the Year show yet, event director Kevin Hansen promised to "come back with a bang" in 2015.
The show had "well exceeded" last years' figure of 74,000 attendees, Mr Hansen said.
"Our aim is to make the show truly international. We don't want to be just the biggest show in Australasia; we want to be the biggest show in the world."
Highlights of this year's show included the Cross Country event on Saturday. Mr Hansen described the Showgrounds Hawke's Bay's unprecedented hosting of the Cross Country course as "a logistical nightmare."
"I was very proud that it happened. People said we couldn't do it, but we did." More than 19,000 spectators gathered around the course, which wound around the showgrounds, through the Land Rover Marquee, the Premier Arena, and the picturesque Waikoko Lake. The Cross Country would stay at the Hawke's Bay Show Grounds, Mr Hansen said.