One of the things you hear all the time when you 'put a ring on it' is that there is no handbook for marriage.
"Good luck, you'll need it haha there's no handbook for this" say your already married friends joyfully, their slightly pained laughs the only hint that perhaps this thing will take some work.
Well, I ask? Why not. As a man, who is married, and has done it for a while, here are some handy headers to start a few chapters for an author looking for their next hit.
Home improvement will cause long term improvement on the back of short-term pain. No matter your living situation, renting, owning, tenting, campervaning or other, any job that makes your living quarters better and needs to be done with your betrothed will cause an argument. Want to hang a picture but it's too big to do yourself? You both have entirely different ways of doing this job.
"But isn't it just putting a picture hook in and putting it up?" No. No, it's not. It's a 17-step process that requires a planning meeting and a debrief.