Two historic events were marked in Dannevirke on Monday but rain and a temperature of 10C meant only a small but hardy group of people witnessed the events.
The first was the planting of a kowhai tree in honour of the coronation of King Charles III, and the second was the burying of a new time capsule and the re-burying of the time capsule first buried 25 years ago to mark the 125th anniversary of the town’s founding.
In opening the tree-planting ceremony Tararua District Deputy Mayor Erana Peeti-Webber said it was never intended to plant a tree in Dannevirke honouring the newly crowned King because only one tree was presented to the district for this purpose. This was planted in Woodville on Saturday, May 6.
“At the last minute Dannevirke was given a tree to plant,” Peeti-Webber said.
Tararua Mayor Tracey Collis recounted the history of the district, from the discovery of the region’s unbroken forest by Māori through to the district becoming home to many settlers, particularly from Scandinavian countries, who were seeking a better life.