Seasons for Growth provides an opportunity for children to learn and understand more about grief, feelings and reactions, and to gain skills to manage these.
The programme uses the imagery of the seasons to illustrate the experience of grief.
It strengthens the social and emotional wellbeing of those dealing with significant life changes by exploring the impact of change and loss on everyday life and learning new ways to respond to those changes.
Children build their communication, decision making and problem solving skills within a supportive peer group.
Trained adult companions facilitate the small group programme, where participants support and learn from each other in age appropriate and engaging activities.
The children learn that they are not alone in dealing with change, loss and grief.
For children, loss can be more than losing someone they love or parents and families separating.
It can be having friends move on, moving to a new place, experiencing a natural disaster, illness impacting on life or a family's work-live changes.
Programmes can be offered for children aged 6 to 12 years in groups of three to seven and run each week for the length of a term.
It is available during school time but sessions outside of school hours can be arranged.
Ellingham-Boyd is in the process of contacting principals and updating them on the availability of the programme.
She hopes to have some groups ready to start the programme next term and says she is actively working toward this.
"Many children and young people are affected by change and loss in their lives, often with little support for their grief.
"Studies have shown a positive contribution to the social and emotional wellbeing of children who attend."
Referrals or enrolments can be made by contacting Ellingham-Boyd, either by the school or directly by the family.
* Contact Lynne Ellingham-Boyd on 06 374 7070 or 021 621 883.