Over the past two decades, the Heart Foundation has been committed to improving nutrition and increasing the physical activity of tamariki nationwide.
And for more than seven years, Te Whare Aroha O Nga Mokopuna Early Childhood Centre in Flaxmere has been working with the foundation to implement the Tohu Manawa Ora Healthy Heart Award programme.
With the support of a nutrition adviser providing guidelines, advice, menus and resources, the centre has been dedicated to creating a heart-healthy environment in its early learning service.
Te Whare Aroha O Nga Mokopuna staff member Sharryn Greaney has been helping implement Tohu Manawa Ora in early learning centres across Hawke's Bay.
"A highlight was working on a menu to provide healthy kai to tamariki while still keeping to a tight budget as tamariki need their tummy tanks and love tanks full to learn," Greaney said.