Managing our coastal risks will be a challenge, Hawke's Bay Regional Council engineering manager Craig Goodier says.
He is a member of the technical team giving his expertise to the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120.
This multi-council and tangata whenua project group recently completed its latest phase of work to map hazards, and identify communities and assets at risk along the Hawke's Bay coast.
Local people may associate coastal engineering with concrete, large-scale arthworks and machinery, but climate change and modern hazard research mean that coastal strategies are now more about long-term planning, collaboratively coming to decisions with property owners and coastal communities.
Mr Goodier's role involves analysing the possible effects of flooding and development, such as at Te Awa and Parkland estates, or managing the flooding aspects of rivers on the Heretaunga and Ruataniwha Plains.