Hawke's Bay has had a second month of well-below-average rainfall in the wake of the November 9 flood in Napier.
The details are revealed in the Hawke's Bay Regional Council's monthly rainfall report for January, which shows totals at almost half of a selected range of 49 recording stations from Waikaremoana to Porangahau had less than half their January average.
Across the region rainfall averaged 57 per cent of the January average, slightly better than the 53 per cent in December. All areas were below average last month, and all but northern Hawke's Bay and Waikaremoana had gone two consecutive months below average.
Just two of the stations had more than 100mm of rain for the month, topped by an above-average January of 114.4mm at Te Pohue.
Contrasting was the 8.5mm at Waipoapoa, the southern extremity of the rain-band that flooded Napier. It was just 8 per cent of the station's January average, following 34.2mm in December, and 342.5mm in November.