Juan Camilo Linares Lopez, winner of the Summer in the Bay photo competition.
Juan Camilo Linares Lopez, winner of the Summer in the Bay photo competition.
The winner of this year's Hawke's Bay Today photo competition, Juan Camilo Linares Lopez, hadn't been into photography until arriving in New Zealand less than two years ago.
But after 18 months of capturing breathtaking landscapes across the region, Lopez has been crowned the winner of the Hawke's Bay Today, Canon NZ and Harvey Norman Hastings summer photo competition.
The 28-year-old's winning picture is of friend Hyeomah Na riding a bicycle along a track in the Waitangi Regional Park at sunrise.
Hyeomah Na enjoying a sunrise cycle along a coastal trail at Waitangi Regional Park. Photo / Juan Camilo Linares Lopez
Lopez, originally from Colombia, said he'd barely picked up a camera before arriving in Hawke's Bay, but wanted to follow in the footsteps of his brother – a professional photographer in his home country.
"Photography is a hobby for me and I didn't have a camera before moving here," he said. "My brother, who is a newspaper photographer, is more conceptual and that is where I get a lot of my ideas from.
"I showed him a few photos that I had in mind to apply with and he liked the bike one."
Lopez, who took the winning photo on a Sony Mirrorless A6400, said winning a new Canon EOS200D MKII efs18-55 lens digital SLR (RRP $1249) will help him develop his skills.
Computer proprietor Dan Harper-Grey (left) with winner of the Hawke's Bay Today, Canon NZ and Harvey Norman Hastings summer photo competition Juan Camilo Linares Lopez. Photo / Warren Buckland
The South American, who works as a support worker at Hōhepa Hawke's Bay, said he took more than 20 shots before finally capturing the winning image.
"I'd planned to take a photo of a silhouette of a person actually in the sun, which didn't work because of the clouds," he said.
"I'd given up on the idea and started walking back towards my friend to go home, but then saw the pond and thought 'this could be a great shot'."
Birds look on at Ocean Beach as Bree Jardine's son takes a stroll. Photo / Bree Jardine
The hobbyist photographer also won a framed 12x8 print of the winning image and free life-time Photocentre VIP membership.
Lopez, who has six months left on his holiday working visa, said he plans to use his remaining time in New Zealand to explore and take pictures with his new camera.
"I like to take pictures of birds, landscapes, but I don't have a specific photography style. But the new camera will be used for all sorts," he said.
"I don't pay a lot of attention to the technical settings on the camera, but I like the Canon colours more than the other brands, so I'm excited to use the camera – especially in the South Island if possible."
Hawke's Bay Today chief visual journalist Warren Buckland said a vast number of entries included a sunset or sunrise, but Lopez's shot required patience and a keen eye.
"I can tell that Juan has thought a lot about how, when and where to take the photograph," Buckland said.
"He's thought about getting the subject in the right place and has worked with the setting sun to highlight the line of cloud, cyclist and foreground."
Buckland added that the winning image was one of a few that had depth and stood out among a big selection of horizontal images.
Bree Jardine's image of her son playing among the birds on Ocean Beach came in second place, winning a 12x8 canvas, 500 free 6x4 prints and free life-time Photocentre VIP membership.
Phoebe Coughlan, 8, enjoying the last sunset of 2020 on Mahia beach. Photo / Jo Coughlan
Jo Coughlan's picture of Phoebe Coughlan, 8, enjoying the last sunset of 2020 on Mahia Beach picked up third place, winning 250 6x4 prints, a framed 12x8 print and free life-time Photocentre VIP membership.