Larissa Mueller has undertaken the ambitious task of circumnavigating New Zealand on horseback to help raise funds for Hawke's Bay-based charity, the Leg Up Trust. Photo / Supplied
Larissa Mueller has undertaken the ambitious task of circumnavigating New Zealand on horseback to help raise funds for Hawke's Bay-based charity, the Leg Up Trust. Photo / Supplied
From hardly having ridden a horse as a youngster, to circumnavigating the country on the back of one, Larissa Mueller is nearing the end of an eight-year journey.
It started with a conversation with a workmate about having never owned a horse and "snowballed" from there to deciding to circumnavigate the country on horseback.
"It was literally a crazy idea - one of those random ones you come up with once in a while."
The ambitious ride has also served as a fundraiser for the Hawke's Bay-based Leg Up Trust, which helps at risk youth learn new skills through working with horses, where Mueller spent time working with horses before starting her trip in Clifton.
Having already circumnavigated the South Island on horseback, Mueller is now close to completing the final leg of the North Island.
She estimated she had about six weeks to two months left on the "bucket list journey", before she will reach the finish line back in Clifton.
Sprite, an 11-year-old grey stationbred mare, rides an average of about 20 to 30 kilometres each day with Larissa Mueller walking at least half of that time to give her a break. Photo / Supplied
The journey has taken several years, with Mueller riding over five summers rather than a "non-stop" trip which would have taken about two years to complete.
"I'm hopeful that this is the last one, as nice as it has been."
While she's been riding for many years, she still classes herself as a "beginner rider" and said she had become a better horsewoman on this trip.
"We've always put the horses first. You have to be really on top of taking care of them.
"Any little niggle can turn into a big problem."
She said it was rare for people making this type of trip to only ride one horse, normally riding in rotation with several.
Atop Sprite, an 11-year-old grey station bred mare, Mueller rides an average of between 20 to 30km each day.
She said people were often surprised by how hearty and healthy Sprite looked considering the amount of riding they did.
Larissa Muelller said one of the highlights of the trip had been all the people she had met along the way, including those who sometimes rode with her. Photo / Supplied
Finishing down the East Coast will be particularly challenging involving bush whacking, encroaching tides, and steep cliff faces, she said.
"The challenges have most often been caused by the terrain."
It has also made for some stunning scenery though, she said.
She said the other highlight had been the people she had met along the way, from farmers offering for her to ride through their land to other horse enthusiasts riding alongside her.
"Doing something like this teaches you that there are still good people out there. People are so kind and generous. It restores your faith in people."
- To donate to the Leg Up Trust, visit