Communities can do things that governments, ministries and health systems can't: create and find jobs for people that really need them, support caregivers of damaged children and support struggling parents to be the best they can be.
Communities are better at providing social housing than government departments because only communities have the deep networks and supports that people in social housing need.
Investing in communities is highly cost-effective because small investments build on existing strengths and networks, rather than having to create something from nothing.
This year, you have a choice: keep all the Unison dividend, or invest some back into the community.
If elected, we five commit to these simple things:
1. You will continue to receive a dividend from your share in the ownership of the Unison power lines business. We expect this to increase.
2. As profits from Unison's other businesses increase, we would like to invest a proportion back into our community. We will also consult with you on whether to continue the current $1.8 million spend in undergrounding and energy efficiency.
3. Review the trustees' fees. We believe the current fees are excessive.
We will consult on how much and where any investment would be made. That consultation will be open and transparent.
I'm standing for the Power Consumers' Trust because I believe that our Hawke's Bay community cares for its most vulnerable and I believe in the power of communities.
Please vote for Arnott, Atkinson, Dunkerley, Tremain and Wills so we can make a difference for our community.