In January 2020, Brooklyn underwent significant surgery, including partial removal of her upper and lower jaw.
However, cancer returned, this time reclassified as Sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma (SRMS), a form rarer than the embryonal sub-type.
Brooklyn Ngawati captured in happier times.Photo / Supplied
"After two months in Starship with [Brooklyn's] jaw wired we were given the all-clear to begin a very intense chemotherapy regime, followed by an additional 12 months of maintenance daily chemo."
Following the discovery of a number of lumps in her lungs and a large mass in her pelvis, the family was told the prognosis wasn't good.
The family made every minute count.
Younger sister Baylee was almost three when Brooklyn was first diagnosed, and had walked every step of her sibling's cancer journey.
Brooklyn's mother described her older daughter as strong, resilient, and very mature.
"She was also a kind and loving sister, a very loyal friend.
''She was not big on talking to strangers, but amongst her family, she was full of attitude and sass."
Brooklyn's life also made an impact on Hawke's Bay Firefighters, one of whom is a family friend who was photographed with Brooklyn for the Fire and Emergency Calendar for 2022.