A Hawke's Bay drought which threatens to drag into next summer will "hopefully" make the public realise the need for greater security of water supply, according to the man heading the response.
Hawke's Bay Rural Advisory Group member and regional councillor Will Foley has reinforced that message as farmers from Napier south into southern Hawke's Bay and Wairarapa stare down the barrel of a possible sixth month in a row with below-average rainfall.
Foley was also Federated Farmers Hawke's Bay provincial president for five years from 2013, the era of the Ruataniwha Dam debate. It ended with the scrapping of a plan for a project costing well over $300 million amid concerns from some quarters the cost was too great.

Foley says the scale was "one of the impediments" and doesn't see the Ruataniwha proposal re-emerging any time soon, but the council last month formed a Water Security sub-committee, which he expects will look at smaller-scale options, initially.