We read about the whaler. We found out that the whaler have been swallowing plastic bags and dying. I feel sad because the whale died. We all need to not have plastic bags on the beach .
Around 30 plastic bags were found clogging up the stormach of a six-metre whale. Had blocked the cuvier's becked whale's. Animal was shot. I feel angry because people throw rubbish on the beach. We can pick uprubbish.
We read an article about a whale that died because it had no food in it's tummy, it only had plastic bags. I think you should tell the lifeguards to put signs on the beach saying: Don't litter.. When the whale died I felt sad and angry. I felt sad because the whale died. I felt angry because people are littering.
I'm sad because people are chucking rubbish into the sea. Were making a clean up crew it's on are Monday and Friday. I hope that will mean no rubbish will be in the sea.
In my class we have been reding an article about a whale that ate 30 plastic bags and it includes sweet wrapers and bread bags.I feel sorry for it. I want to put bins all over the school so people don't litta. I want animals to live because we are losing animals every day like a whale.
The curlers beaked whale had around 30 plastic bags in it's tummy. this made me feel very sad. people should pick up their rubbish and put it in the bin.
Zoe K
This is a very important letter.If you see someone litter please tell them not to do that if you are going fishing on a boat try to fish the litter up and that shod be your piorte all these animals are indager.
This is an very important letterooo.If you see someone littering tell them not to do that. tell them to put it in the bin so animals don't die. There'z a rubbish clean up club at school.
The whale was in pain as it had no food in its tummy. I felt sad. I felt sad because it died. When it got shot. Don't put rubbish in the water. Put rubbish in the bins.
It had no food in its tummy and 30 plastic bags. It made me sad.
At school Iread about the whale who had 30 plastic bags in its stomach.it was in pain. When I saw it I was so so so sad. If there is no more animals there will be no more people.
Please put the rubbish in the bin.30 plastic bags were in the whales tummy.If yiou put the rubbish in the bin it will help.
Ive read about the article with the whale that had 30 plastic bags in it's stomik.I felt sad because the whale died. I felt agry because the people trow rubbish in the sea. Please help.