The event will start with a morning tea for members and an opening of the station to the public with old and new fire trucks on display.
There will also be competition runs in Haumoana Memorial Park behind the station and a jubilee dinner in the evening for members and invited guests.
Originally named the Haumoana, Te Awanga, Tukituki Fire Brigade, it was formed with 20 members on Saturday, June 1, 1946.
The brigade had two units – one at Haumoana and one at Te Awanga.
The Te Awanga group was equipped with a small portable pump made by Derek van Asch and the Haumoana group had bucket pumps and beaters that were stored in Haumoana Hall.
A report in the Hawke's Bay Herald Tribune says the brigade received its first call to a grass fire in Grange Rd on November 27, 1946.
In 1951, the brigade was reformed and renamed as the Haumoana Fire Brigade and the Te Awanga unit was disbanded.
Over the 75 years there have been 114 members, seven officers in charge and 24 members who have attained Gold Star status having served 25 years.
Former members are asked to register their interest and RSVP to the dinner invitation to Tim Aitken at or 022 122 0645 by May 31.
The details:
What: Haumoana Volunteer Fire Brigade 75 years of service celebration
When: Saturday, June 12, 10am–noon.
Dinner for past members and invited guests at the Tukituki Christian Camp, Moore Rd, 5pm.
Where: Haumoana Fire Station, Beach Rd