Brian Slader is the latest of 24 Haumoana Fire Brigade members to receive the Gold Star for 25 years service.
He was joined at a celebration by 14 current and former volunteer firefighters who have served the community for 25 years.
He was presented various medals and plaques by Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) and United Fire Brigade Association (UFBA) representatives in front of about 100 current brigade members and partners, and his family and friends.
In making the presentation of the Gold Star medal, past UFBA president Mike Aldie said Brian had an attendance rate of 99 per cent of musters (training and meeting nights) which made him a fitting recipient of the service award.
Brian says he felt "humbled by the attention" but also "proud to be part of an organisation that does so much for our community and across New Zealand" when he received the award.