The Hatuma Half Marathon, an iconic event on the Central Hawke's Bay sporting calendar is celebrating its 40th year, a milestone the organising committee is keen to celebrate, bringing colour, costumes and fun to the Waipukurau Racecourse on Sunday, September 15.
The Hatuma Half Marathon starts and finishes at the Waipukurau Racecourse and from there runners and walkers can take their pick between 21.1km and 10km distances or as teams of four, taking in the beautiful scenery around Lake Whatuma.
The event is always a popular race on the running calendar for competitive runners and a fun day out for more casual walkers and runners.
The race attracts both locals and visitors to Central Hawke's Bay with more than 200 expected for the 40th celebration.
The organising committee including Aaron Topp from Hatuma – major sponsor of the event, Garth Sherwood, Mathias Konia, Nicki Heremaia from Sport Hawke's Bay and Anna Molly Baldwin from Hawke's Bay Tourism are keen to make the 40th celebration a colourful day, bringing together previous winners and regular competitors, with music and entertainment at the start and finish line and around the course.