"We have put in place a housing plan; we are delivering safe drinking water through our comprehensive drinking water strategy; we are rolling out our city vibrancy Hastings Alive Plan; we've completed the Clifton sea wall; and we have built the new express connection, Te Ara Kahikatea at Whakatu.
"Our big focus is creating a world class performing arts centre with the reopening the Opera House and Plaza in February next year, followed by the Municipal Building a year later.
"We have almost completed North Island's first Multi-Cultural Strategy, and with the region's arts community have completed our first Arts and Cultural Plan.
"Our economy is rocking, but as a council we need to continue to support all industry by growing a skilled workforce."
She said the next three years will bring even more positive change to the district.
Plans included looking into opening Splash Planet year round, finishing the upgrade at Cornwall Park, improving the housing situation in the district and supporting businesses to continue building a strong economy.
"And of course we will see the completion of our Drinking Water Strategy, which will ensure we keep our drinking water safe in the future.
"I have worked hard to make sure we have a community that everyone feels part of," Hazlehurst said.
"I'm looking forward to the next steps – these are very exciting times."
At least two people will be standing for the position of Hastings Mayor, with current councillor Damon Harvey also having put up his hand for the top job.