More than 70 new New Zealand citizens were welcomed into Hastings at a special May citizenship ceremony held at Toitoi – Hawke’s Bay Arts and Events Centre.
The 72 new citizens were comprised of 45 individuals and 10 family groups who, along with their family and friends, filled the Assembly Ballroom to take the oath or affirmation of allegiance to His Majesty the King and attain New Zealand citizenship.
The growing multicultural nature of Hastings was on display with recipients hailing from countries ranging from the UK and the US to Latvia, Namibia, Romania, Thailand, Uruguay, Zimbabwe and more.
May’s citizenship ceremony was one of the biggest citizenship ceremonies ever held in Hastings.
Hastings Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst said it was a wonderful and uplifting occasion, celebrating the rich and culturally diverse Hastings community who live, who work and who enjoy our beautiful district.