"Due to the re-emergence of Covid-19 in the Auckland community, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the Hastings Weet-Bix Kids Tryathlon.
"The health and wellbeing of the community is our first priority and despite the additional safeguards and measures we have put in place for our Tryathlon events, there is now a heightened risk of further community transmission that we are unable to safely manage."
A version of the triathlon ran and was attended by thousands of children, parents and volunteers from across the Auckland region on Sunday.
"We have insufficient details at this time to confidently eliminate the possibility that our team may have come in to contact with someone who may have been exposed to one of the current community cases," the announcement said.
Chenery said with 14 events scheduled in an eight-week period around the country, with some weeks having three events, "the time and planning required in addition to the logistics made it very difficult to reschedule".
Instead, they are encouraging participants to take part in the Try DIY programme which encourages kids to create and complete their own triathlon.
All triathlon entrants are automatically transferred into Try DIY.
Refund options are available to participants.
Level two restrictions mean gatherings are restricted to 100 people.
The event has been running for 29 years and since 2010 in Hastings.