As part of a nine-yearly review of the East Clive wastewater treatment plant, Hastings residents are being asked to give feedback on the facility.
Commissioned back in 2009 the Te Whare O Whiro wastewater treatment plant (Te Whare O Whiro) on Richmond Rd, Clive, was unique at the time in its use of biological trickling filter tanks that transform the human waste components into plant cell biomass, carbon dioxide and water, rather than using large tanks to hold the wastewater and then separate out the solids.
The plant has also been recognised for its innovation in meeting tangata whenua aspirations discharging the treated wastewater through a Rakahore (rock-lined) passage to spiritually cleanse it before it’s disposed of via the 2.75km-long offshore ocean outfall.
As well as meeting all regulations, a condition of the resource consent to operate the plant was to review its performance once every nine years – including consulting the community on what they think of this treatment and calling for feedback on future investment decision-making.
Founded in 2002, the HDC Tangata Whenua Joint Wastewater Committee still plays an important role in the ongoing operation and development of the wastewater treatment plant and the wider wastewater management.